Thursday, October 19, 2006

Leggings, leggings everywhere!

Today I went to London to look for some fabric for Neil's suit, and everywhere I looked women were wearing leggings. Not just teens but women like me, old enough to remember leggings from the eighties i.e. should know better! Some accesorised these revolting things with dresses, some with big jumpers, most with ankle boots. What I want to know is-Why? Have we learnt nothing? Is it just 'cos Sienna Miller was seen wearing them? (and what is with those boots?)

They really are a strange garment when you think about it; not quite tights, stockings, or socks. They have a vague affinity with trousers but only just as the cropped ones just leave large patches of bare shin. Its just so unflattering! Their whole point is to draw attention to legs, so anyone with chunky ankles, knobbly knees or wobbly thighs look out! Even if you have lovely legs there is something undeniably silly about wearing leggings, especially with ankle boots so you get that little ring of exposed leg. Isn't that cold?? And don't even get me started on the lovely pair of leotard print ankle warmers with leggings and ankle boots that I had to endure on the tube..... Unless you are a professional dancer there is no excuse! We clearly learnt nothing from the eighties when this horrible garment was last prevelent. Please girls resist the temptation!


  1. OMG so true! i don't like them and they really don't flatter anyone's legs, ankles, hell the whole body, at all! and don't even get me started on them Uggs! they're called UGGS for goodness's sakes!

  2. well said! Its just a bad, bad things to wear....

  3. Oh, I've been noticing those leggings a lot as well! Yuck, yuck, yuck! And especially people who just don't have the legs for them. Why don't people dress for their body shape? I'm sure Trinny and Susannah would have a thing or two to say...

  4. Neil and I saw the worst of all leggings last weekend...a woman was wearing sequin leggings! On top of that, we could not figure out whether they had a tan material underneath the sequins or whether it was see-through and one could see her skin...

  5. Oh god sequin leggings!!! just wrong on so many levels!
