Friday, January 12, 2007

2007 so far....

Well, another festive period and New Year has passed, and I am happy to say I did not spend all of my time reminiscing about this time last year, or sulking about being single, just a little bit:-)As usual I ate too much and was totally exhausted by the two under-fives of the family tearing around on massive sugar highs.

We all went up to Aberdeen last weekend for the wedding of my honorary Aunt Judith, which was lovely. She has been friends with my mum since they were both fie years old (altogether now- ahhhhh!) and got married for the first time at the age of 62, thereby showing all the rest of us that it really is never too late-hurrah. The service was very high church and I did feel rather like a fish out of water, not knowing all the correct responses or any of the hymns, which were rather obscure. The meal afterwards tho was truly amazing! Both Judith and her new husband Crawford appreciate the finer things of life and the meal was just gorgeous. If you are ever i Aberdeen go to the Marcliffe hotel for dinner as they even made me like the haggis-it was that good ;-)

My overwhelming impression of Aberdeen itself was grey: grey buildings, grey weather, grey sea. Although I've got to say that all the people I met, both at the wedding and working at the hotel and places we went were all really nice, and considering the weather remarkably cheery and chirpy. The only problem was the bloody train journey home. The train from Aberdeen to Peterborough got stuck twice at either signal failure or safety checks and we were an hour late into Peterborough, which meant we missed our connection. The train we got on instead was the only Stansted Express of the whole day which did not stop at Audley End (why??? why?? Not even the guard knew) and so we had to hop off at Cambridge, leg it down the platform and jump on another train that did finally get us home, 2 and a half hours late.... I just love public transport!

So, so far 2007 has been pretty good, although it will probably go completely down hill on Wednesday when I have the dubious pleasure of going to the combined Cystic Fibrosis and Diabetes clinic, so that the Diabetic consultant can take a look at me and decide that I'm now diabetic too. I have been expecting it, as it happens to about 7o% of PWCF (people with CF) of my age and is increasingly likely as you get older. It just sucks, as I'll probably have to start injecting insulin and I am now going to be officially cystic, asthmatic and diabetic. Maybe I should also try and become geriatric, lunatic and romantic, and anything else I can think of ending in 'ic'. Suggestions on a postcard...

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