Trying to stay afloat on a sea of medication. Living as best I can around my Cystic Fibrosis.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
September so far...
..has been sooooooooooo busy! First off it was my 30th birthday! Bit of a weird sensation as as I get older I am more conscious of the whole life expectancy issues of having CF, but never mind nothing I can really do about it so I shall just try and ignore it! My birthday was great, Mr EB, my parents and I pottered off to Wimpole Home Farm to have a quiet walk about and a really great lunch at the fab restaurant there. We then spent the rest of the day flopping about as we were all knackered from the other big event of September, namely Mr EB and I moving into our lovely new house! I love our new house, and will post photos just as soon as I can remember which box my camera got packed in... I actually had my 30th birthday party the day after we moved in, which was the day after my actual birthday. It was not meant to be as hectic as this but the move date got shoved back and back again several times so that our original early August date became mid September. Ah well, after much scrubbing and cleaning (the last owners seem to have stopped cleaning once the offer was accepted...) we got the basics sorted out. We'll still be living from boxes for a while but it is fantastic to have so much space! Can't wait to get everything totally unpacked and sort out all the annoying little DIY jobs that need doing...
happy birthday and happy new house! What a busy month! xx