Well yesterday can only be described as a disaster. For some reason the consultant could not get the stupid guide wire into my jugular vein far enough to use as a guide for the port line. Even after several attempts the wire would only go in about 10cm before it would not go any further. This is no where near far enough which means I've been left with a neck that looks like I've been savaged and still no access.... I am seriously sore and seriously pissed off. I was not looking forward to this procedure at all and now it's all gone wrong and I am left in discomfort but with nothing to show for it. Being poked and prodded like that is seriously uncomfortable even with local anaesthetic and knowing that I'll probably have to try again next week is just not appealing, in fact I am more than a little scared that I'll have to try again. The surgeon had never had this happen to him before and neither had my CF consultant or the specialist nurse, so clearly I am just weird and my body is trying to piss me off again.
I had a contrast CT after the disastrous attempt at insertion, and on Monday will hopefully find out the reason why the guide wire would not thread and whether they can try a different vessel or do something different that will work. In the mean time, I am still hanging on waiting to get access so I can have some decent drugs and actually feel better, cos I am still feeling pretty rubbish lungwise and need some IVs. My Cf consultant did suggest trying to get a line in me, but quite frankly anyone who wanted to try anything with a needle anywhere near me yesterday was going to get beaten up! Not at all impressed by the whole thing really and don't know if I can bear to try again...
Im sorry it didn't go very well, one of my port op's was abit of a disaster too but just because I freaked out and could feel some pain when they were cutting out my old port! I asked for a general when I needed another one the year after!! Oh dear i'm not making ports sound very good am I?!
ReplyDeletePerhaps your vein is too thin on that side, so might try to other side. They discovered that on me after a CT scan so god knows what they will do it I need another!
Better luck next time, I know how horrible it is!! Hugs xx