Friday, July 13, 2012

Oh dear...

... I've not been a good blogger. No posts for over two months-opps. To be honest tho, I've not really had very much to blog about! Work wise its mostly been alterations- which are not exactly exciting! Otherwise, my life seems to revolve around far too many courses of IVs - including the last eleven days being incarcerated in Papworth's CF Unit.  My health really has gotten a bit pants. I've been having IV's every four weeks sometimes only every three, and its not exactly an exciting fun thing to blog about. I'm not one of those bloggers who want to blog every tiny aspect of their lives, as most of the time I find it very hard to believe that anyone would be interested in the banality of my medical regime!  I could go into great detail about my IVs and all the tests I've been having and the problems of being in hospital, but quite frankly it bores me so I doubt anyone else wants to know! All I really want to say about my health at the mo is that it is crap, I have to take too many drugs, but it is sooooooo good to be out of hospital! I was getting serious cabin fever in there!

Another consequence of all these damn drugs is that I have had to cut right back on work. Making sure I hit deadlines has resulted in my having to work when I am on IVs which is really not ideal. Not only am I tried but  my brain is all drug addled so even simple jobs take a lot longer. Worst of all it is very stress full! The last thing I need these days; the consequences to my health really are not worth the money I may earn... So once again, my health is forcing me into changing my life in big ways I don't want. I haven't quite worked out what I am going to do but I am going to have to 'Adopt, Adapt and Improve!'  Suggestions on a postcard....


  1. Sorry to hear your health isn't as good as normal at the moment, I hope you can get back to normal. No suggestions i'm afraid, it's a daily battle to balance everything! Just make sure you are 100% compliant with nebs and physio, that's always a good start as people won't admit it but they slack! xx

  2. Just found your blog through the CF forum!
    Sorry you've not been too good, I hope things get better soon! Trying to balance things is so hard, I recently had to give up uni because it was too much. I'm sure you'll work it out though! xxx
