Saturday, April 27, 2013

Bunny cake!

As my nephew turns one at the start of May it was only right that we made him a cake. Fortunately, mu Mum was on hand to help as I'm recovering from some strong IVs  so was not up to doing an awful lot of baking.  As such, we did the baking of the cakes in the morning, then I had a rest and did the decorating in the afternoon.  The idea comes from Mary Berry's Baking Bible- a book full of recipes that I've yet to find a dud in.  It's made from three round sponge cakes, one nine inch for the body, one eight inch for the head and another eight inch that is cut up to make the tail, ears and feet. These were then all arranged on a foil covered tray.

This as then covered with a lot of butter cream- it uses a pound of icing sugar!  I left it plain for the tail and managed to make a sort of fawn colour for the fur with food colouring.  I fluffed the icing up a little with a fork to look like fur.
The eyes are made from white and milk chocolate buttons, the nose is a jelly sweet and the whiskers and mouth are chocolate sticks! Because I don't believe in doing anything by half, I finished it off with some grass and flowers made from royal icing.  I'm not sure that at only one James will really appreciate it, but Sophie definitely will!

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