Thursday, May 30, 2013

A little light chaos....

When people come to my workroom to try on a dress or a hat, or talk about commissioning something it really doesn't look like it does on an average day when I am making things.  When other people are about the room is tidy and organised, the tables are folded down small (marvelous design from IKEA halves in size) and as much as possible is moved into my bedroom to make it appear bigger and give more space.  When I am working however, it quickly clogs up with all sort of things, from feathers to patterns, not to mention various sewing machines and hat blocks. One of my friends was saying she would like to see my workroom (and have a play!), so I thought I would take some pictures.... I've tried to be fairly honest and not tidy up so that this is what it does look like for most of the time- semi organised mess!
Typical cluttered table... One sewing machine on the table, an over locker and two other machines underneath it... The blue felt hat on my malleable head block is nearly finished and my large embroidered hat is sitting on the large brim block at the back of the table, until I can figure out where to store it! The big cardboard box contains a new hat block (squee!)
The table from the other side.  Their is actually a bed underneath all the piles of stuff, so that the room can still be used as a  guestroom.  Although you'd have to dig it out from under the books, fabric, cushions, crochet and hat hoods that are currently covering it...
From this angle you can see the hanging rail that my Dad fixed up for me.  It currently has a load of costumes and dresses on it.  It also contains all the card pattern blocks I have drawn over the years- so useful in creating new designs. My new red kettle is sitting on it's hot plate, along with one of my full size irons and my mini iron, which is sitting in a mug to stop it burning the table top.
My super embroidery machine is on a movable table in front of the window where it gets the best light. I try and keep it covered to prevent dust getting into it.  Next to it is a movable set of drawers with lots of my embroidery threads on the top and loads of interfacing and fabric inside.
The shelves are totally crammed full of books and boxes of all sorts of things. The two big  boxes with handles on the top shelf contain a vast number of threads.  My books are probably my most important possessions along with my sewing machines.  When I'm feeling ill I spend a lot of time reading and my rather large collection of fashion history and costume is invaluable in keeping me sane and inspiring new projects.  They are is a sort of order, divided into historical books,dress making books, hat books and specific areas like corsetry or pattern cutting. 

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